Sunday, September 20, 2009


Selamat Hari Raya,kepada kawan-kawan & saudara-saudara ku.Harap mohom minta maaf kalau saya ade kasar bahasa atau berkurang ajar kepada kamu. Amin.

Nothing much to blog about. Collection-abt 50+. Maybe. Tk kire sampai habes raya. wah,wah. Rather keep the money then spending for emergencyuse kot. MAYBE LAA.

Funny things is that Morning i tried to iron my notes sekali jadi ni plk.

Then macm sedih. Tried to iron back but dosen't work. then macm, tk kesah uh. then i keep. Aftr that raya 2nd house, cousin house..Time balek,salam,dapt duit then turon.
In the car, i open.. Sekali dapt $20 la.Bagus plk. Alhamdullilah. Rezeki orang kate.
Macm best, then my adek jealous. He He. Then thats all uh i share with u'll.


1 comment:

miemibebeh! said...

my favourie post!:D